i hate packing. it’s especially tough when trying to pack a carload into a bag. luckily, there’s very little that i really need. in fact, except for a small bag of stuff….the rest is just $$. should i bring back a $60 car battery booster? (it’s a huge battery that can be used to jumpstart a car) how about $150 worth of jerry cans? (they’re huge) a $30 car jack? …the list goes on….

being a jew (…and apparently a bit anti-semitic), it’s a bit hard to just give up all this money….but i’m also american (and thus lazy….and, apparently, a bit racist). so, i’ll pack as much as i can. the rest, i gave to sara and gabriel, my brother’s friends who took me out tonight in curitiba.

here’s something i’ve seen very rarely…but twice in brasil (curitiba and sao paulo): a large road (4+ lanes) with a divider. the divider splits the very large road into two smaller parallel roads…..which communicate with each other every few blocks. what’s the point of this? does it reduce accidents? make traffic flow faster?

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