finca el paraiso is a small waterfall/spring about 30min west of rio dulce. it’s really beautiful and kinda unique. after a 5min hike through the forest, you enter upon a small waterfall (the rainy season just started) which pours into a natural pool. the waterfall is so hot that it actually steams (see pic…that’s not just mist). above that pool is a cold pool.
unfortunately, with a cut up foot, i didnt want to risk infections. hopefully next time.

the missionaries who were hitching a ride were so moved by the scenery and the local kids that they decded to spend a few days there. back on my own again. if you’re wondering about the missionaries….when i drove into belize, i spent the night in san ignasio. there, i met a couple who are doing a similar trip, only by bus. they asked to hitch a ride, and did so for a few days. their purpose is two fold…to lend a helping hand…and to spread the word of jesus. their first goal is unequivacly noble….their second a bit more open to discussion. however, that whole debate about religion, converting and evolution is probably not for this blog.
although, maybe it is….since it’s a huge part of latin america — churches are everywhere and much of guatemalan radio is religious: kinda funny…gutemalan radio ads are relatively often pro-christianity, mexican ads were mostly raising awareness of how to prevent swine flu…..one is advertising that jesus will save you…the other is saying that science will protect you. the sad thing with both, though, is that many people will follow both forms of information blindly, without really understanding the reasoning. this can obviously lead to serious harm (religious wars & drug-resistant TB). but, as i said, i don’t want to offend anybody….so i better stop here.

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