i’m afriad the gps may be off here, for some reason i’m not reaching a clear signal from the beach of hopkins. the drive here is mostly good, but turns to dirt at the end. no worse than the offroads i’ve done so far.
hopkins is a nice little beach town. the water is incredibly warm, although a bit choppy. the beaches are very small (it’s also high tide) and bottles/trash line the tideline. it’s ashame that littering is an issue here too….you’d expect the hotel owners to clean their beaches.
the highlight has to be the neighbor who taught me how to get and cut coconuts. he has an 8′ long piece of iron (the end is bent….so it looks like a big metal cane), which is used to snag the coconut. then using a machete, i cut off the top (it took him 30sec….me about 5min). the coconut prob had 1-2L of water….it was great! i then played a bit with the neighboring kids. it was fun, until one of them ran into a tree and cut her lip….and cried.
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